Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Well, I really had fun with this month's theme!

To start off, I have several pictures of a Lady Beetle (Harmonia axyridis) that I found in my back yard. I captured it, along with another unknown bug, cooled them off, and then let them walk around on a clump of grass in my living room (much to the displeasure of my wife!) These are not true ladybugs, but are an introduced species from Asia that feed on aphids and other smaller insects. They were brought here for control, and are now widespread throughout North America. Originally, I thought they were actual ladybugs, but in my quest to find out what the second bug was, I found out that it was actually the larva of the lady beetle, thus making these pictures a matched set. Thanks to the University of Nebraska Lincoln Department of Entomology facebook page for helping me identify them! All four of these pictures were taken with a 100mm macro lens borrowed from Mike. (Several of the others below were also taken with this lens.)

The next submittal is a Monarch Butterfly, captured with my 300mm zoom lens in Aurora, Nebraska. I was out doing some field work for a project, and caught it fluttering by. I have always been very attracted to monarchs, but recently have undertaken a project to increase awareness of their lifecycle, migration, and to bring more native habitat back to Papillion (which means butterfly in French). You can learn more about my project at www.facebook.com/PapillionButterflyGardens.

The next three are truly just back yard bugs caught doing their own thing. No studio lights,no freezer, just me, my camera, (Mike's lens), and the bug. I liked the way the iridescent colors on the fly contrasted with the white flowers. The spider was taken on the side of Mike's house, with Micah's 100mm macro lens. Thanks guys for letting my borrow your equipment!

Now for the final entries for Bugs! These massive creatures were captured on my driveway, and feature a lesser known related subspecies named Chalkius Kiddus. You can tell them easily by the large smile on their face. Our driveway is always covered with chalk, and bugs are a very common subject, so when the kids found out I was running around the yard trying to capture pictures of bugs, they wanted their creations captured too! I submit 'caterpillar' and 'ladybug' for my final entries. Happy hunting!

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Bugs, Bugs and More Bugs

Here are my insect/bug pictures. If you know me I love insect pictures so I had a lot of fun this month. I even developed a new setup for taking these images (I used it for the scorpion image). I hope everyone had as much fun as I did. Can't wait to see all of your work!!!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Saturday, May 14, 2011

The second photo.

Just had to add two more yellow and blacks to tribute my son's graduation form University of Missouri - Columbia yesterday.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

For MadScientist


Thanks for your comments on my image of the Sandhills from my original Black and Yellow post. As you requested, here is the original full color version. I've also included a total B&W version and the "Black and Yellow" image from the original post just for reference.

Overall, I like the full color version the most but the sky in the black and white version keeps calling me back. Again, thanks for your comments and I would appreciate any additional feedback from you or the gr0up.

One additional Yellow and Black!

One additional entry for the "Yellow and Black" theme. This is a chandelier at the historic house where my sister was married last month. Again, I didn't do much to modify the picture, except a little contract adjustment to bring out the color a little more. The house was beautiful, and I thought it would be nice to capture some of the details of the historic home for her.
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Yellow and Black

Here's my submission for "Yellow and Black". This was Easter Sunday and Gavin was wearing his black suit and tie. He looks really sharp! he stopped for a minute outside our house to smell the yellow daffodils and I caught him in the act. I only cropped this a little and barely adjusted the contrast.
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Monday, May 9, 2011

B&W Magazine

Just wanted to let everyone know that I will be published in the 78th issue of B&W magazine. This is their portfolio issue and I was selected for a merit award. If anyone is interested you can find the magazine at Borders and Barnes&Nobles. It should be out in early June.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Errick's yellow and black

Hello all! A fun theme this month. My first photo I tool last night at my son's band concert. My last one as he is a senior. 13 years of band concerts come to and end! at least until the grandchildren??? Anyway... This is my 6 foot 5 senior who is off to college in the fall. My next three photos were taken on the outer banks, North Carolina. The first was a work up of a sand piper found feeding under the boardwalk - Atlantic Beach. The next, bow of a boat, from the Beaufort Port - Taylor's Creek, NC. We left for the outer banks two weeks ago Saturday for a quite week away! The last photo is also from the same boardwalk , Oceanana Pier, but I must admit, I took this photo last summer. Now I will turn my attention to the next theme although it is sort of bugging me!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Sandhills in Yellow and Black (and white)

On the spur of the moment last Saturday, I drove out to the sandhills near Valentine, NE. That evening, my long drive paid off with spectacular golden light and photogenic clouds.

To achieve this affect, I first converted the image to B&W with NIK Efex Pro. Then I selected the yellow pixels and created a mask to let them show through the black and white layer. Hope you like it; it's different.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

May monthly theme

Mike asked me to pick monthly theme for May.I've decided on insects.This should be easy even though early in season.

May monthly theme

Mike has asked me to pick subject for May. I've picked insects.Even though early in the season, this should be easy.
These are my black and yellow photos for April.The finch was on a tree branch outside my bay window.It had been eating seeds from the tree branch. The foreign material on its beek and head was because it was a messy eater. The boat scene is a tourist boat on the Chicago River [obviously in Chicago]. In back is the Marina Towers.I was in Chicago first weekend of the month for continuing education meeting.It was a horrible grey day, misting with no cloud cover.I was having to constantly having to stop to wipe my lens dry.I was using 17-40 lens . For the finch I was using 100-400 lens.Sorry for double photo, accidently loaded twice and do not know how to remove, just add.

yellow and black

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Yellow & Black

This Saturday my wife and I were watching my boy Logan playing his first game of soccer for the year. While we were watching him we were discussing just what I could take pictures of that encompassed yellow and black. A half hour later we realized that my sons uniform was yellow and black. Well I rushed home, got my camera and started shooting. Here were a couple shots from that day.