Hello everyone. Nice to be part of your group. I am always looking for a way to better my stuff and to spark my creativity. I took all of these photos on 1/15/11 in a little fishing village, Puerto Morelos, just north of Playa del Carmen, MEX. I was very intrigued with the multitude of bright colors and I wanted to fix not only on this but also on the play of shapes and design. I shot with these intentions. For the most part, these are full frame photos with just minor cropping and/or adjustments for the horizon. With the exception of the street scene, I shot all of these with a tripod. I did do color corrections and saturation to vividly create my desired objection. In short, I had fun with it. I carried this theme with quite a number of the stuff that I shot on this day. My biggest mistake.... not taking more photos! But the grouper tacos were fantastic and the margaritas hit the spot!
Errick, nice pics! I really like the graphic nature of the first shot - great composition. I like the way the yellow base of the building on the left directs your eye to the car port and how the green line of the roof frames in the center of the shot. It would make a nice ad for VW!!!!