Monday, August 1, 2011

Long Exposure

I loved this month's theme and had tons of ideas, but only got around to executing a few.  Nonetheless, here are my long exposure shots.

ISO 100 | f/22 | 35s

ISO 100 | f/18 | 12s

ISO 100 | f/14 | 44s

ISO 200 | f/9 | 27s


  1. I love the devil shot. You should do an angel one with a halo and wings too.

  2. I like the night sky through plant leaves, possibly corn? the devil was unique.He did a good job of holding still.

  3. @Mike: Ah, I didn't even think about doing an angel shot, that would definitely work. I guess since Jake is more often demonic than angelic the though didn't occur to me :o)

    @Larry: Yes, the night sky/plant shot is through corn. And yes, Jake did a good job of holding still, although he really only had to stand perfectly still for the half-second or so I illuminated his face with the light. For the rest of the time he just had to be approximately in the same spot.

    Thanks, guys!
