Thursday, June 16, 2011

butterflies and summertime

Two butterfly images I recently captured. One is a spicebush swallowtail [black one] on milkweed and the other is northwestern fritillary [orange one] on clover.


  1. Larry, I love the composition and color of the first one. The flower and the butterfly nicely balance the frame. My only problem with the image is that the butterfly seems a bit soft - maybe you slightly missed the focus or the darn thing moved on you with a slow shutter speed -- sometimes they just won't sit still.

  2. These are great images. I have two pieces of advice. First on the black butterfly try dodging its head in photoshop a tad bit. This might bring out some of the detail that is hidden in the blacks. Second use your unsharpen mask tool in photoshop. When you take digital images the camera softens the image a tad bit. I always sharpen my images once I am done with all my other corrections to adjust for this. For my insect images I will go even further and select with the lasso tool the insects fur or head and sharpen that even more to make am really pop.
